FOR A SAD MOMENT: grieving for a loved one’s passing to the other world is different for each of us, but if you are searching to make an elegant and graceful way to pay tribute in the loving memory of your close friend or family, we have a solution: the white funeral balloons.
A SIMPLE MESSAGE: the white balloons come with some simple and decent words that will honor the image of the deceased: “Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed”. Show your sorrow and let your emotions out with a unique gesture that will mark the sad moment you are being part of.
EVEN MORE MEANING: not only are the balloons inscribed with a simple and elegant message, but you can even encourage the person’s close friends and family to write their thoughts on the white balloons with a simple marker and let go of their fear while paying their respect.
ECO-FRIENDLY: the balloons are made from a premium material that is completely biodegradable so that it won’t hurt the environment. Since after the release of the balloons it is impossible to catch and, therefore, dispose them in a responsible way, we have made sure that, no matter where they may end up, it will be completely safe for the environment.
WITH HELIUM OR AIR: the balloons can be filled with either special helium by a professional or with a simple air pump. The high-quality material is resistant enough to support the light helium that will rise up to the skies in the honor of your lost, while, if filled with an air pump, the balloons can be released on a lake or even at the seaside.